World media was skeptical about Putin's statement on coronavirus vaccine

12 August 2020, 07:44 | Health
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The fact that Russia has managed to create the world's first vaccine against COVID-19 said Russian President Vladimir Putin. He added that the vaccine, called Sputnik V, is registered and his daughter has already been vaccinated..

The world media and medical circles were skeptical about these messages, emphasizing concerns about the safety and efficacy of the vaccine, given the information that the Russian Federation missed important stages of development and did not provide scientific data on vaccine trials.

Despite Putin's statement that the vaccine has passed the appropriate tests, world and Russian scientists "

CNN noted the likelihood of the existence of political influence on Russian researchers, where the authorities want to assert the important role of Russia in world science.

Last week, WHO called on Russia to comply with international protocols when developing a vaccine against COVID-19. On Tuesday, WHO said it was in talks with Russia to consider a vaccine, BBC writes.

The media also cite the words of Russian scientists that Russia plans to conduct the third phase of trials after the registration of the vaccine..

Phase III trials should begin at the end of the month, writes NBC News, citing information from Russian researchers. Other lead vaccine developers are not submitting vaccine for approval until Phase III trials.

Russia plans to vaccinate first doctors, teachers and people with an increased risk of complications from the disease and monitor the effect of the vaccine, actually replacing the third phase of trials, the media quoted Russian doctors as saying.

Skeptical about the possibility of quick registration of a new vaccine from Russia, or China, was also expressed by the chief infectious disease specialist of the United States, Dr. Anthony Fauci. “Claiming that a vaccine is available for distribution ahead of testing is equally problematic in my opinion,” Fauci said in a July 31 speech to US lawmakers..

“I hope the Chinese and Russians are doing real testing of the vaccine before giving it to anyone,” Fauci added..

Source: Voice of America.

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