Arthritis pain. Foods That May Act Like Medicine

25 July 2020, 06:29 | Health
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Eating certain foods can reduce your risk of arthritis symptoms, including joint pain. This was reported by British experts from the Arthritis Foundation (Arthritis Foundation), who told what food can act as a medicine for this pathology..

The word " One of its eloquent signs is joint pain, which can be debilitating and complicating the execution of the most simple daily tasks..

Arthritis Foundation representatives state: there are products that can act as a medicine for this problem. Writes about this Express Health.

“Some simple lifestyle changes can help prevent arthritis symptoms, including pain. One such solution may be a specific diet.. Although there is no specific dietary treatment for arthritis in medicine, studies show that certain foods effectively fight inflammation, strengthen bones and the immune system, ”said British doctors..

An easy way to reduce your risk of painful joints, they say, is to consume citrus fruits regularly.. These foods are an excellent source of vitamin C, which is a natural anti-inflammatory. Inflammation is the main cause of exacerbation of arthritis and can lead to severe joint pain..

“Vitamin C-rich oranges, grapefruits and limes can act as medicine. Obtaining the required amount of this vitamin helps prevent exacerbation of inflammatory arthritis and maintain healthy joints in osteoarthritis, "

In addition, they recommend people with this pathology to consume more broccoli.. The vegetable is rich in vitamins K and C, as well as a compound called sulforaphane, which has been proven to slow the progression of osteoarthritis. In addition, the product is high in calcium, which may help arthritis patients improve their bone strength..

Another healthy herbal product is watermelon. According to research, the antioxidant lycopene in watermelon makes it a "

Improves Joint Health \u0026 Avocado Consumption. Its fruits are packed with vitamin E, a micronutrient with strong anti-inflammatory effects. The regular presence of avocados in the diet is associated with a reduced risk of joint damage seen in early osteoarthritis.

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