Oncologist recommends drinking water for intestinal health

24 July 2020, 09:43 | Health
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Oncologist and proctologist Elena Smirnova told Instagram that the habit of drinking water regularly helps to improve intestinal health.

“Often quite healthy mentally patients tell me they don't want to drink. And if they don’t force themselves, they may not drink at all, ”the oncologist shared on the blog.

Smirnova emphasizes: it is wrong to refuse water, not drink it at all. First, the human body is constantly losing moisture, especially in summer. Replenishing moisture is very important, the specialist notes.

Secondly, water helps the blood flow to deliver nutrients and oxygen to cells, as well as remove unwanted, potentially toxic substances from the body.. The oncologist recommends drinking water to maintain intestinal health - the liquid helps to fight constipation, congestion, fraught with the development of pathologies of this organ.

According to Smirnova, there is a certain daily rate of water consumption, but it can vary depending on many factors, including age, weight, gender, environment, physical activity.. Therefore, for every person, the main indicator that his body is in need of water is the feeling of thirst..

If it is too weak for various reasons, the doctor recommends following the standard: 30 milliliters of water per kilogram of weight.

https: // www. medikforum. ru /.


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