How to get rid of a plantar wart

21 July 2020, 04:55 | Health
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Briefly and accessible about the methods of removing plantar warts A very unpleasant case - a wart appeared on the sole of the foot. It would seem a trifle, but it can do harm so that it becomes impossible to walk. Pain will not allow you to step. This, in addition to the fact that the wart looks not at all aesthetically pleasing..

Causes of plantar warts?

The danger of acquiring a plantar wart is almost everywhere.. Away, shared bath, pool, sauna, beach. Promotes the appearance of plantar warts and wet shoes, poor foot hygiene. Also, the risk of warts increases with a decrease in immune defense, with allergies, autonomic neurosis.

The appearance of warts is the result of getting into small lesions on the skin of a certain human papillomavirus. Scientists have identified more than 100 different species. And they live on the surface of the skin of 90% of the population of our planet. That is, on almost every.

How to spot a plantar wart?

Do not confuse the plantar wart with calluses and calluses.. It is very easy to distinguish - the wart itself, when pressed, will not cause pain. It will hurt around the neoplasm. It is flat with sharp edges.. Available in skin colors, brown and dirty yellow. Usually small, half a centimeter in diameter.

Sometimes black dots are visible in the center of the affected tissue - these are blood vessels filled with blood clots. The plantar wart is initially invisible - slight elevation. But then it " It can also grow up to a centimeter in diameter, then smaller neoplasms appear around it.

Removal of plantar warts price for dermatologist services.

How to get rid of a plantar wart?

There are several ways to get rid of a plantar wart, they must be selected carefully and taking into account the individual characteristics of a person.

We increase the body's resistance Carrying out immunotherapy, you need to understand that it is necessary, but as a means of combating the plantar wart it is ineffective. You need to pick up some more remedy.

We freeze That is, we burn out with the help of cryotherapy. It will take several procedures. And the risk of scarring is also great..

We operate Such a cardinal method is resorted to in extreme cases - it is traumatic. Another alternative that is less painful than removing the wart with a surgical scalpel can be found.

We remove with a laser A quick and easy way to get rid of a plantar wart in one fell swoop, that is, in one session. A modern, gentle and efficient way.

We cauterize with chemistry It is possible that during cauterization healthy tissues may suffer.

Laser - immediately and forever Perhaps the only way to get rid of a plantar wart in one procedure.

In addition, there is no bleeding - the vessels are " Precise control of exposure leaves healthy tissue unaffected by therapy. Minimum recurrence and no scarring. There is no risk of infection during the procedure, and no pain. Recommended also for removing warts in children.

Cleanliness is the key to health!

Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, individual rubber shoes in the pool, steam bath, sauna. Full rest and comfortable shoes. And no plantar warts!

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