A beautiful jawline makes a woman's look young, gentle and graceful.. But sometimes excess fat accumulates there.. How to get rid of it?
The second chin is not only in obese people. Moreover, even after losing weight, sometimes it is not possible to get rid of this problem area..
Why yes why.
There can be many causes of an extra chin. In addition to being overweight, this can be, for example:.
Genetics. The heavy bottom of the face (the special structure of the jaw and the corresponding anatomy of the neck) is often a family feature. And then certainly weight loss. You have to act in other ways. As a rule, hardware or surgical techniques.
Age. Over the years, fabrics sag. In addition, there is a weakness of platysma (subcutaneous muscle of the neck). And the extra chin in this case is formed naturally. If the problem has just begun to appear, gymnastics will help, and if everything is neglected - only aesthetic surgery.
Lifestyle. For example, such a defect may appear in those who are used to slouching.. Or eat and read while lying. In general, physical inactivity, which leads to weakness of all muscles, may well cause weakness of the neck muscles. The way out is to change your lifestyle, become more active, and the problem that has arisen can be dealt with by a beautician. Your efforts will be useful too..
Neck injuries. Because of this, the neck muscles also weaken and a second chin is formed.. It is necessary to treat the spine with a specialist vertebrologist. Or an osteopath. Physical therapy will not hurt either..
Endocrine diseases. First of all, these include problems with the thyroid gland (the cause of goiter) and diabetes. These diseases are chronic, so they must be carefully controlled.. Aesthetic surgery will help with the rest..
On their own.
Home massagers for the neck and chin, if not lazy and used regularly, can be beneficial. They activate muscle fibers in the desired area, thereby strengthening the skeleton.
Proven products for generations - compresses and self-massage. You will need a regular terry towel. You can alternately apply it to the chin several times, soaking it in a hot broth of oak bark, and then in a cold saline solution. Or you can vigorously pat the problem area with such a towel (or just rub the skin with it red-hot).
Finally, homemade masks do not hurt at all.. They can increase skin tone and reduce the appearance of age-related ptosis (sagging tissues). But, of course, with serious deformations, they will not help..
To prepare the masks you need fresh lemon and 1 tbsp.. a spoon of salt. Grind them together in a blender, apply on the chin and rub in with gentle movements. Wash off after 15 minutes.
The second recipe is to apply mashed potato with milk and 1 hour to the problem area. a spoon of honey. After masks, be sure to apply face cream.
With the help of a surgeon.
When your efforts are not enough, plastic surgery comes to the rescue. The problem is being solved today, as they say, with little blood. For example, with excess fat under the chin, you can do mini-liposuction (pumping out fat with a special cannula) or laser liposuction.
The second method is considered the least secure, although difficult to perform.. Therefore, you must carefully look for a surgeon. Laser liposuction is done through three punctures under the jaw and in the earlobe. Cannulas with a laser emitter are inserted through the holes. Laser beam destroys subcutaneous fat. Punctures heal on their own without leaving scars or stitches on the face. Serious complications, if everything was done correctly, also do not happen. During the recovery period, there may be a slight swelling within two weeks. Hard foods should be avoided at this time and temperature differences should be avoided..
If the double chin is a consequence of age-related reasons, platysmoplasty (rejuvenation of the neck and lower parts of the face) can be done. With this intervention, an incision is made in the chin area, through which the excess of the stretched muscle is excised, and what remains is sutured and sutured.
Finally, the third option is mentoplasty (chin contour correction). It is done when you need to change the inherited imperfect shape of the chin. Intervention is performed by reducing or shifting the chin, as well as implanting an implant.
Gymnastics against the double chin.
Walk with a straight back for 10 minutes, holding a heavy book on your head.
Pull the lower lip down, exposing the lower row of teeth, stay in this position for 30 seconds, then relax the jaw and repeat all over again. And so - 7-10 times.
Lie on your back, keep your head suspended. Raise your head so that you can see your toes. Return to starting position. Repeat 15–20 times.
Draw different numbers and letters in the air with a pencil between your teeth several times a day. The neck muscles should be tense at the same time..
Tilt your head back and try to reach the tip of the nose with your lower lip, pushing the lower jaw as far forward and upward as possible. Repeat 5 times.
Tighten your lips and utter the sounds “u” and “and”.
This exercise not only fights a double chin, but also strengthens the muscles of the lower face.
Sit straight, rest your chin on two clenched fists. Press your chin up with your fists, press your fists down with your chin.. Repeat 7-10 times.
While standing, press your hands on your shoulders, while pulling your neck up (your shoulders should remain motionless). Do this while inhaling, counting to 10, then exhale. Repeat 5-7 times.
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