Ukraine received a batch of antiviral drugs from India

13 July 2020, 19:58 | Health
photo Електронні Вісті
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Ukraine today, July 13, received a batch of antiviral drugs from India that are used in the treatment of patients with COVID-19. This is stated in the press service of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

It is noted that 50,000 capsules of OMVIR have been transferred..

“This drug has been included in the national treatment protocol, and our hospitals, recognized as supporting in the fight against COVID-19, are very interested in getting it.

This batch is enough to treat about 5,000 patients, "

Ambassador of the Republic of India to Ukraine Partha Satpathi noted that, if necessary, his country is ready for additional supplies.

Over the past day, 612 new cases were recorded in Ukraine (678 a day earlier), 15 patients died (11), 385 recovered (457). A total of 54,133 people were infected with coronavirus during the epidemic.. 1398 patients died of COVID-19. 26 503 patients recovered. It is reported by LIGABusinessInform.

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