The effect of bananas on the heart

13 July 2020, 05:07 | Health
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They are able to eliminate insomnia, swelling, and also quickly and for a long time satisfy hunger.

Bananas have a lot of useful properties, but at the same time they can cause malaise and even start the development of dangerous diseases, as the online publication for girls and women from 14 to 35 years old Pannochka. net So scientists have found that bananas have a lot of useful properties, so they are recommended to be eaten by all people.

The reverse side of the coin is the difficulty in digesting bananas in the body. Therefore, in some people, this fruit causes heaviness in the stomach and even heartburn.. In rare cases, berries can cause flatulence and intestinal irritation.. Such troubles appear due to the fermentation of fruit in the intestine.

Scientists also found that bananas affect the level of blood coagulation, increasing it. In some cases, fruits cause blood clots. Excessively high intake of bananas leads to an increase in blood sugar. Scientists also found that bananas can dehydrate the body..

Experts do not recommend eating bananas for people suffering from strokes and heart disease. In addition, he should abstain from diabetes, people suffering from gastric diseases, as well as obesity.

lady. siteua. org.

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