Stem cells help restore brain after stroke

12 July 2020, 15:53 | Health
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Stem cells can be used to restore brain tissue after a stroke. So scientists from the USA consider. In an experiment with laboratory mice, they proved that the rate of regeneration of the nervous system after a stroke increases if stem cells are introduced into the focus.

A stroke is a very serious and dangerous condition.. Untimely assistance can lead to death or severe disability of a person.

It is believed that doctors can help a person in the first few hours after a stroke. That is why new methods of treatment are being developed so actively that allow achieving better results in restorative medicine.

According to preliminary data obtained during experiments with animals, a positive effect with the introduction of stem cells is observed after 24 hours. Large-scale work is now planned.. When confirming the data, we will discuss the use of the methodology on volunteers within research institutes.

medvesti. com.

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