Scientists accidentally discovered an enzyme responsible for aging skin

06 July 2020, 10:21 | Health
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Scientists from the University of British Columbia discovered an enzyme responsible for aging skin. It is interesting that they discovered it quite by accident when they conducted a study on how Granzyme-B affects the health of arteries and how much it increases the risk of atherosclerosis and heart attack.

During the experiment, which lasted 20 weeks, the scientists created a kind of solarium for mice, where 3 times a week for 3-4 minutes the mice received ultraviolet radiation. At the end of the 20th week, scientists noticed that the skin of mice that had the Granzyme-B enzyme seized was smooth and healthy, and the skin of all the others wrinkled under the influence of ultraviolet light. So they came to the conclusion that Granzyme-B not only worsens the condition of the arteries, but is also responsible for aging the skin.

Lead researcher David Granville said that the skin usually visually ages and becomes wrinkled precisely because of sunlight (ultraviolet light). “And we found that if you remove Granzyme-B from the body, the skin will be better protected from collagen loss and wrinkles - at least in mice”.

Apparently, Granzyme-B somehow destroys the integrity of collagen and weakens the skin, resulting in wrinkles.

And sunlight increases the amount of Granzyme B and enhances its negative effect on the skin.

Scientists hope that their discovery will provide an opportunity to create new cosmetics against skin aging..

However, the main problem is that you can’t just take and remove the Granzyme B enzyme from the human body, as was the case with mice, as it is part of the immune system, and it is not known what will happen if it is removed.

aspekty. net.

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