Health care reform will be continued in 2020 with the preservation of the role of the NHA and Medical Procurement of Ukraine

17 June 2020, 08:10 | Health
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Ukraine will continue to implement the reform of the financing of the health system, which began on April 1, 2020, which expands the strategic procurement of medical services by the National Health Service of Ukraine (NHA) with emergency, intensive and specialized assistance, follows from the memorandum to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on the new stand by program.

“In order to better ensure the procurement of NHAs by patients, the decision-making process of NHAs will be transparently protected from conflicts of interest, in particular, due to the prohibition of the participation of service providers in the administrative structures of NHAs,” the document published by the IMF and the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine.

According to him, the NHA will function as a single payer in the field of public health. He will also monitor the quality of medical services..


The document also provides for the gradual transformation of communal property providers (medical services - IF) into non-profit legal entities owned by the community. Their financing will be based on contracts concluded with the NHA..

In addition, the memorandum provides for the completion of a description of a specific NHSU-funded package of medical services, which includes primary, specialized, palliative and emergency care, as well as the possibility of additional payments for patients, if necessary, while ensuring accessibility and quality.

Regarding drug provision, the memorandum provides: in 2020, the Ministry of Health will transfer the procurement of part of the main drugs to outsourcing by reputable international organizations. In addition, this year the Ministry of Health will start making test purchases through the Medical Procurement of Ukraine SE using the ProZorro system in accordance with the law on public procurement and the best international practices of transparency and accountability.

According to and. Heads of NSZU Oksana Movchan, a memorandum with the IMF once again fixed the main structural beacons of the system.

" No refunds to financing through a budget subvention or special financing for some medical institutions are provided.. Secondly, the amount of funding for medical institutions should depend on the results of its work - the more services a medical institution provides, the more financing it should receive. In addition, the medical institution providing medical services must meet clear requirements, "

https: // interfax. com. ua /.


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