Self-isolation in the summer is unrealistic

23 May 2020, 06:44 | Health
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Despite the fact that Great Britain has not yet quashed quarantine, the beaches and recreational areas of the country are filled with tens of thousands of people. It is unrealistic to force a person to sit in four walls in good weather, unless this happens under pressure from the army or special units. The weather hit the UK, in which the thermometer’s arrow approaches + 30 ° C.. Although the country has not yet repealed the laws of self-isolation, which allow you to leave your home for just one walk a day or to go to the grocery store, the beaches in the UK are filled with tens of thousands of vacationers. Photos from different beach points show such an influx of people that was not observed here even in ordinary seasons. This is due to the fact that hundreds of thousands of residents of Misty Albion simply can not go abroad on vacation.

A special term covidiota appeared in the country that refers to people who deliberately ignore the rules of self-isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic.. Every day and every week the number of so-called covidiots is constantly increasing. Attempts to influence them with fines or preventative conversations fail. In hot weather, people want to swim, take sun baths, enjoy nature and not think about anything bad, especially considering that all the media have been delivering negative news over the past three months.

People are tired of negativity, and outdoor recreation is the best way to get rid of it..

UK records highest mortality from coronavirus infection after US. 363 people died in the country yesterday, and the total number of deaths exceeded 35 500. Authorities are planning to open schools on June 1, although local teacher unions have put forward a long list of safety requirements, which is almost impossible to satisfy.

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