Blogger subscribers noticed a suspicious mole on his back - and saved the guy’s life

25 January 2020, 06:10 | Health
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He just posted a funny little video.

Alex Griswold, together with his young wife, decided to take off acne. In the freeze frame, two spectators examined strange moles - they were next to a pimple, because of which the back got into the lens. About it tells ABC News.

Excited girlfriends immediately wrote to Alex. One of them is studying at a medical university and she once encountered skin cancer.. The girl defeated melanoma and could not warn the blogger. The guy without hesitation followed her recommendations - was examined in a specialized clinic.

Doctors confirmed fears: the birthmark was insidious. It could develop into a malignant tumor in the near future.

The mole was immediately removed, but the blogger remained deeply grateful to his subscriber. Alex even recorded a one-minute video, where he talked about saving comments under the video.

All five hundred thousand of his subscribers learned about a girl who did not ignore the skin problem.. He ended the video with the words: “Thanks to two good strangers, I avoided skin cancer. This is the best reminder that our world is a great place. ”.

https: // news. yellmed. com /.


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