Energy-correcting aromatic oils for the year of the Rat

22 January 2020, 00:56 | Health
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The use of aromatic oils is one of the effective methods of energy correction.

The Year of the White Rat is the year of Metal on Water, a time of very cold energies. Water of the year, attacking Fire, thereby weakens the fire organs.

And above all, the cardiovascular system, which is important to maintain on time.

“Breakdowns” of the heart are treated with such aromatic oils as mint, geranium, juniper, fir, cypress, spruce, saffron, any pleasant floral aromas.

For the treatment of heart attacks, angina pectoris and arrhythmias, rose, vanilla, jasmine, gardenia, cardamom, sandalwood, saffron, cistus, lotus, pine, thuja, henna are used.

In addition to inhalation using these oils, compresses can be applied to the heart, for about twenty minutes.

For the production of blood and lymph, it is useful to use essential oils of angelica, cedar, virgin cedar, carrot seed, musk, rose, henna, saffron.

To normalize blood pressure - oil of orange, geranium, rose, mint, ylang-ylang, cypress, rosemary.

To enhance blood circulation, including disorders in the limbs and atherosclerosis, basil oil, cloves, oregano, angelica, hyssop, camphor, cardamom, coriander, cinnamon, lemon balm, marjoram, pine, thyme, fennel, eucalyptus.

With these oils you can do rubbing and foot baths.

To eliminate congestion in the cold, strengthen nerves, especially in situations of depression, use calamus, basil, valerian, camphor, myrrh, nutmeg, wormwood, garlic, sage and eucalyptus oils.

To eliminate excess fluids with spleen activation - hibiscus, hypericum, cinnamon, turmeric, nutmeg, red pepper, black pepper, yarrow, sage and saffron oil.

The metal of the year, in turn, attacks the Yang Tree, which, inter alia, is associated with the head area.

Therefore, from time to time, and especially in April, it is useful to support the brain using essential oils of calamus, orange, holy basil, bergamot, verbena, elecampane, jasmine, camphor, cardamom, frankincense, lemon, myrtle, rosemary, chrysanthemum and saffron.

Sultanbekova Sheli, an expert in Chinese metaphysics (Feng Shui, Ba Zi, Qi Men Dong Jia) https: // woman. rambler. com /.


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