How to protect yourself from food poisoning in the summer

09 August 2018, 20:56 | Health
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And here it is - the long-awaited summer, which brings with it a warm sun, a season of holidays and a sea of ??pleasant emotions. The long-awaited summer is not only fun and fun. A hot season carries many dangers. Perhaps, the first place among the dangers is food poisoning.

All berries and fruits you need to eat on a season. It is very difficult for a person in the market or in a store to choose products for the reason that it is impossible to check what the various plants are processed with. Also, always follow the measure. Eat berries or fruits better little by little, in small portions, since these foods can cause allergic reactions. As for children, you need to be more careful. At the first use it is better to give a quarter of a berry, and not just a kilogram. After this, you should look at the child's food reaction.

- What to do with food allergy and how to define it?.

First of all, with a food allergy, itching is likely to occur. At itself it is necessary to have sorbents, antiallergic preparations, ampoule Dexamethasone, syringes, marching first aid kit. Possible symptoms of food allergies: rashes, swelling of the face (including Quincke's edema), swelling of the larynx, pharynx, lips. In this case, it is better to call an ambulance.

All seasonal berries and fruits are useful: raspberries, blueberries, apricots, plums. They are useful only in small quantities for digestion and for vitamin composition. Concerning watermelons, I can not say that they are of much use, since they contain more water and glucose.

Fresh is useful, but it must be drunk properly, otherwise there is a risk of developing an erosive gastritis. Correctly implies the use of fresh not on an empty stomach, plus it should be diluted in half with water. To drink pure fresh it is possible only to absolutely healthy person, but besides not on an empty stomach. A glass of fresh per day is enough. When using fresh on an empty stomach, the mucous membrane is not covered. And if you do not eat anything for 5 minutes, then the gastric juice begins to eat away the mucous. If, however, Helicobacter is present in the stomach, the problems will arise very soon.

If the summer is hot and there is no desire to eat, you do not need to push food into yourself. Summer emphasis is needed on sufficient fluid intake. To drink necessarily, but there is not so necessarily, especially through force. The norm for a healthy person is 2.5, and in extreme heat and 3 liters of liquid per day. It can be not only water, but also unsweetened tea, mors, dried fruit juice. But these are not concentrated juices. Definitely, the list of healthy drinks does not include coffee, alcoholic beverages. The liquid must be drunk in the heat - up to 100 ml per hour.

From food the main thing is to have breakfast well, during the day you can eat fruit. The main meal is better to postpone until 17-18 pm.

Five meals a day is good. In this mode, the gastrointestinal tract does not stretch, because a small amount of food is easier to digest. Gallbladder works better with frequent meals. Regular fractional nutrition is more effective. In summer it is better to give preference to such products: chicken fillet, rabbit, turkey, fish.

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