What diseases will cure tea?

24 April 2018, 10:44 | Health
photo NeBoley.com.ua
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The five most useful types of tea Tea is recognized as the most popular drink in the world. Every minute on the planet, two million cups are drunk and experts tried to figure out what its attractiveness is. Scientists named the most useful types of tea for human health.

In total, five types of tea are distinguished (not counting herbal variations). This is black tea, green, white, Puer and Oolong.

Leading in the ranking of utility green tea. It contains twice less caffeine than the more popular black, but contains a whole complex of vitamins, including vitamin A, vitamins B, C and P, as well as potassium, zinc, copper, iodine and so on.. Experts advise drinking this drink and women in the situation and people suffering from insomnia and heart diseases.

Black tea is the most common type of tea. It is prepared from that de plant, but subjected to more serious processing. Because of this, it loses most of the nutrients, but retains a sufficient content of vitamins A, K, P and B, amino acids, sodium, calcium, iron, fluoride, zinc, iodine and so on..

White tea is most often drunk by gourmets. It contains a lot of useful substances and a minimum caffeine content. It is used as an antibacterial agent and is drunk to strengthen immunity.

Puer used for the prevention of digestive diseases. This drink helps reduce cholesterol in the blood and removes toxins, reduces the risk of cancer. And oolong helps in the fight against depression and improves skin condition.

At the same time, it contains more than 400 vitamins and microelements.

In addition, do not forget about herbal teas. The first places in the rating of utility are mint, mate, raspberry, carcade and masal. The first one helps with nervous disorders, the second one helps fast hematoma healing on the body, the third one is ideal for PMS, as well as the common cold and cough, the fourth is drunk at high temperature, and the fifth is drunk to cheer up and normalize blood circulation.

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