In the plastic breast appeared a new fashion trend

24 April 2018, 01:06 | Health
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Women are no longer short of normal breast enlargement Singer Rihanna and top models Kendall Jenner and Bella Hadid, who often appear before the public without a bra, have set a new trend, called the "designer nipple".

The American plastic surgeon Norman Rowe told how the girls began to come to him with a request to pump their nipples.

"People pay attention to every detail. Women no longer have the usual breast augmentation or rhinoplasty, they want to pump every detail, "explained the doctor and added that his patients tend to be like celebrities in everything.

The procedure is an introduction to the nipple injection with a special hyaluronic acid filler. According to Rowe, the solution adds to the nipples a volume that causes them to stick out from under their clothes.

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