Young-green: what of the greenery to buy in stores in the spring

17 April 2018, 17:45 | Health
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What bunch to choose on the shelf in the supermarket and in which salad to put it.

Green salad is always easy to prepare, it is low-calorie and tasty.

Rukkola In ancient Greece, arugula was used as an aphrodisiac. But this greens is able not only to kindle desire, but also to saturate our body with vitamin C, carotene, iodine, potassium, magnesium, iron and t. In addition, it is useful to those women who in the spring decided to lose a couple of extra pounds, as it stabilizes the metabolism.

If you want to make something quick, then wash the arugula with a paper towel, and now you have a field for activities. You can add mozzarella, walnuts, olive oil and lemon juice. If you want something more satisfying, then replace mozzarella with salted salmon fillet.

Iceberg Salad Would you like to make some useful and light green salad? Use the iceberg salad. This product has a neutral taste, so it perfectly matches with vegetables, meat and fish. It should not be cut, enough to wash and tear.

A simple salad with lettuce Iceberg, cucumber and tomato, dressed with olive oil, will help improve intestinal motility, blood composition and strengthen the nervous system. It is very convenient that this product is available all year round.

Sorrel This lot of vitamins B, which will help us get rid of depression and bad mood. In addition, this product is useful in that it strengthens vision, improves immunity, which is very important in the spring, supports dental health and helps cope with anemia. If we are talking about sorrel, the association is one - green borsch. In fact, this greens can be used fresh and added to vegetable salads. Try to experiment and prepare a salad with sorrel, sweet pepper, crushed walnuts and a spoon of olive oil.

Celery greens Celery greens are considered a product with a negative calorie content. The fact is that our body spends much more energy to digest it. In addition, it is useful because its leaves contain vitamin C, essential oils, carotene, and it is also a good aphrodisiac.

Try to cook something spicy for dinner and take the greens of celery, apples slices, cheese cubes and fill with a spoon of sour cream.

The benefits of green salads in the spring for a weakened body after winter are indisputable, but they have one more important advantage - they significantly relieve the time spent in the kitchen. Cut fresh vegetables, season with sauce and you're done!.

In addition, these dishes always look beautiful on any festive table.

sunny7. ua.


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