Named dangerous diseases that affect women much more often than men

17 April 2018, 10:27 | Health
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"Female" disease is not only breast cancer. According to scientists, many autoimmune disorders also disproportionately often attack women.

Few people know that it is women who are most often the victims of depression. Among adult women this mental disorder suffers about one in five, writes Hronika. info. But the list of "female" ailments is not exhausted by depression.

Multiple sclerosis. This incurable, affecting the central nervous system, the disease leads to the fact that the membranes of the nerve fibers of the brain and spinal cord are covered with numerous scars, which are tightened by an unhealthy nervous tissue. Its symptoms manifest at the age of 20 to 40 years and include such manifestations as muscle numbness, loss of vision and paralysis. Women get sick three times more often than men.

Lupus. Like the previous disease, it belongs to the category of autoimmune diseases in which the body's immune system attacks healthy cells. Symptoms of this disease have a similarity in that many patients experience strong unmotivated fatigue, headaches. Also, they have an increase in joints in the limbs, hair loss. More than 90 percent of people with lupus are women.

Celiac disease. The disease is associated with a negative immune response to eating gluten - a protein contained in wheat, barley and rye. Distinguishing sign of the disease - leanness, present against a backdrop quite ample in the amounts of nutrition. Perhaps someone will be happy, but in fact it is a very unpleasant and health-threatening symptom, meaning that the body does not get the nutrients it needs from food. Up to 70 percent of patients are women.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Convulsions, pain, swelling, gas, diarrhea and constipation that do not go away for a long time. All these are typical symptoms of this disease. Like all the ailments on this list, irritable bowel syndrome remains a mystery for doctors in their original cause. 65 percent of those diagnosed with this disorder are women.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

This violation not only spoils life, but makes the existence of a person unbearable. The simplest actions, such as taking a shower, require tremendous effort and make you truly suffer. Victims of the syndrome are overwhelmed by severe fatigue, pain in the muscles, dying loss of memory and insomnia. Even thinking can become too difficult for them. Women suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome four times more often than men.

healthyliving. com. ua.


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