Researchers warn of the dangers of consuming energy drinks

16 April 2018, 15:46 | Health
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The use of more than two energy drinks is associated daily with negative consequences for the heart, including increased heart rate and chest pain.

In an article published in the International Journal of Cardiology, researchers interviewed patients aged 13 to 40 who visited the emergency department in South Australia with symptoms of palpitation, or heart palpitations, in which the patient clearly feels the beating of their own heart. It was found that 70% of them had previously consumed an energy drink.

As explained by one of the authors of the study, Dr. Scott Willoughby of the University of Adelaide, scientists found a direct relationship between the use of energy drinks and hospitalization for negative cardiac reactions.

Of the patients interviewed, 26% consumed at least one energy drink within 24 hours prior to admission, and 70% consistently consumed various energy drinks during their lifetime.

It was found that patients who consumed a large number of energy drinks had a significantly more palpitating sensation compared to those who consumed no more than one energy drink per day. Moreover, palpitation, heart palpitations and chest pain were noted in quite healthy patients who consumed energy drinks and did not have risk factors for heart disease.

qqnews. en.

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