Named the 3 best products for the thyroid gland

16 April 2018, 14:39 | Health
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Regular use of these products helps to avoid symptoms associated with the development of Hashimoto's disease. Also known as autoimmune thyroiditis, this disease refers to severe and poorly treatable - it affects the thyroid gland and affects the entire immune system, interfering with its work and causing it to act to the detriment of a person.

The leader of the "product triple", proposed by scientists to maintain the health of the thyroid gland, was tuna, VladTime writes. According to experts, tuna is mainly preferred for thyroid as a source of vitamin D, which is also often called "the main vitamin of life".

Vitamin D is important for the main in terms of life support of physiological processes in the body, it is necessary for the full assimilation of many nutrients. One hundred grams of tuna can give a daily rate of vitamin D, scientists said..

Also for healthy functions of the thyroid gland it is extremely important to use nuts. Experts believe that the Brazil nut in this regard is suitable for the body best. The daily product rate is just two nuts!.

"Its use provides the body with useful minerals, including selenium, which maximally affects the hormonal background," scientists explained their choice.

The third place on the grocery "pedestal of winners" went to white beans. This type of legumes is rich in iron, which has a highly positive effect on the thyroid gland, the researchers stated. Its use helps reduce stress levels, while contributing to the process of losing weight, as well as regulating blood sugar levels.

healthyliving. com. ua.


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