Damaged eyelashes: 3 factors you should know about

16 April 2018, 13:16 | Health
photo NeBoley.com.ua
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Accomplished eyelashes, qualitatively performed by the master, really look beautiful and can not do any harm if you do not have an individual allergy to glue or some of its components. However, sometimes it happens that extensions can harm not only your natural cilia, but also your health. Before going to the salon take these factors into account to minimize the damage.

Your eyelashes must fall out. Fall out, even if the build-up to you will be done in the most fashionable salon. But not from the very build-up: loss of eyelashes - a natural process. The life cycle of the hair is 200 days. And the speed of their growth depends on genetics, nutrition and quality of care for the skin of the eyelids. Nevertheless, visually the harm of the lash extensions is noticeable because when you take them off, it seems to you that the eyelashes have lost their natural density. But in fact, your natural hairs remain the same. And the reason for the "baldness" of the eyelids is that you are already used to observe thick and long eyelashes.

Glue can spoil the skin of the eyelids. When we talk about the dangers of the lash extensions, it is obvious that the matter is not in artificial hairs, but in glue. If the master will use the cheapest remedy, the consequences for the health of the skin of the eyelids will be serious. At best, it will remain a film, at worst - an allergic reaction will begin or there will be burns, inflammation in the eyes. Therefore it is better to go to the procedures in the salons with a license - they use professional adhesive compositions that do not harm the skin and hairs. But remember that there is always the likelihood of an allergy to a remedy.

When removing narochchennyh always suffer their eyelashes. This is due to the fact that many girls run the risk? How to remove the extensions at home:

the safest technique - cosmo. com. uassanija the extended eyelashes independently. You can remove your hairs together with artificial ones while the master does not need to close his eyes tightly so that the composition of the solvent does not get on the mucous membranes. In addition, he will use special tools that quickly and safely dissolve the glue. In this case, there is a high probability that your cilia will remain in place.

cosmo. com. ua.


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