Haircuts are named, which rejuvenate externally for several years

01 April 2018, 08:12 | Health
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How much can a well-chosen hairstyle rejuvenate? Experts say: at least 5 years.

Analyzing the recommendations of stylists in this regard, MedicomForum found out that the main law for women who want to look young is to become negligence in styling. Ideally, if the hair will look like it did not require any effort to create it - a pair of movements with your hands, and all.

Among the hairstyles, light in performance and allowing to look young, fresh and fashionable, you can distinguish laying in the form of light waves. Such a hairdo is created elementary: it is enough to gather hair at night in several bundles. But experts on style remind: mature women are better to do laying not on long hair. Shevelura with age should be shortened - enough length on the shoulders or slightly lower.

Also visually rejuvenate hairstyles from braid - different weaving in the form of a fish tail, spikelet and t. In this case, it is important to remember that such hairstyles should not be tight and smooth. On the contrary, the more careless the weaving, the more released braids from the braid, the better. "Due to negligence and the hair strands that have been released from the face, you will look 5-10 years younger," say stylists.

The ponytail is always relevant. Perhaps, because such a hairstyle is young: a tall tail makes the face more "slender". To create the effect of a lush and thick tail, the loose hair in the back of the head divide in two by a horizontal parting. At the top, in the area above the forehead, the hair can be combed and then gathered with an elastic band. Then make a tail from the bottom of the hair - so that it is covered by a bundle from above.

healthyliving. com. ua.


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