Yak stress on the lump

22 March 2018, 13:52 | Health
photo NeBoley.com.ua
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Chronic stress does not negatively affect the quality of the body and the structure of the brain, but it negatively affects the decline.

Untriveted stress of corsets. Він мобілізує мозок, допомагає швидко сфокусуватися на заданніі, show the shortest result on zmaganni, підкорити аудиторію при публічному виступі. Ales, if the stresses are the same, do not talk about the positive efect.

Stres zmenshu is a lump.

Stress zarodzhuyutsya in hipotalamo-hipofizarno-nadnirkovіy sistemy. In the exacerbated situation, the cortex of supernoviruses secrets cortisol - the katabolin hormone, which is actively active in humans,. Ala yogo trivali vplyiv puffed vplyvaє on the lump.

Basically, the stroke is taken on the hypocampus, the bugabo receptor is known to cortisol. In zvichainіy situatsії vony dopomagayut normalizovati viroblennya hormone.

When the hibernation of the high river cortisol is prolonged by the prolonged hour, the part of the receptor in the guinea. Tse mozhe prizvest to pozhada pam'yatі, viklikati with problems with navchannnyam. At the same hour, the migdalelepodobne tilo stely bilsh chutilim, i tsebit muzhchinu nervovoi i nepospokіnim.

Shche one nasylodok - znizhennia zdatnosti gormonalnoy sistemi kontrolivati ??riven tstsu. Ale and e are not all.

ukrhealth. net.


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