Food for the intellect

03 March 2018, 20:12 | Health
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Proper nutrition is the basis for the full operation of our brain. Today it has been proved with absolute accuracy that the possibilities of a person's mental activity directly depend on the quality and composition of the food that he uses, according to the Internet edition for girls and women aged 14 to 35. Pannochka. net If a child after birth in the period of breastfeeding does not get enough nutrients, then his overall development slows down in comparison with properly fed one-year. In adults, albeit not so fast, but there is a similar picture with the work of the brain. In case of malnutrition, the level of intelligence of an adult person can be significantly reduced.

The influence of sugar on brain activity There is a widespread belief that sweet foods such as chocolate, caramel, halva, carbonated drinks and just sugar in its pure form, very quickly stimulate the work of the brain. Yes, that's close to the truth.. Getting energy in the form of simple sugars (glucose, fructose), our brain really starts to work more actively and more fully. Therefore, sweets that have got into the body, due to the rapid spread of sugar by blood, literally in a few minutes activate the activity of the brain. But it is noticed and another. Approximately at the same rate, insulin absorbs all of this sugar, and after a sharp burst of activity, there comes an equally sharp decline and calm. Therefore, large amounts of sugar in no way are a solution to the issue of long-term improvement in the work of the brain.

And yet there is an effective way to stimulate the brain by enriching our blood with glucose. It consists in the fact that there are a number of products that contain glucose in the form of complex polymers (starch, glycogen).

Eating such products, you can be sure that the active work of our brain will last a long time, and not those few minutes that provides "fast" sugar. Such products include starchy carbohydrates - bread, rice, buckwheat and other grains, beans, nuts and potatoes. With their regular use, our body provides the brain with enough glucose for full active work. Therefore, the best snack during a break with intense mental activity will not be chocolate and sweet sparkling water, and a roll with nuts and a glass of milk.

nedug. en.

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