What does the body say?

03 January 2018, 04:00 | Health
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Doctors believe that in our body "suddenly" nothing happens.

And even the slightest changes in our appearance in the morning suggest that something went wrong with health ... Few of us undergo regular medical examination. But the warning signals of the body about the beginning of the malfunction, we can consider ourselves in the open areas of our own body.

Cracked lips If, along with the cracks on the lips and in the corners of the mouth, muscle weakness is felt, problems arise with concentration of attention and the hair falls heavily - this is a serious signal about the lack of vitamin B2 (riboflavin) in the body,. The disturbed balance will quickly restore dairy products, eggs, peanuts, peaches, soybeans, pears, tomatoes and cauliflower.

White coating on the tongue This is a companion of those who are long hungry or have a cold. But if against the background of the enveloping white plaque the reddening of the edges of the tongue is clearly manifested, then it is very likely gastritis.

Pale gray coating on the tongue Disturbance of the gastrointestinal tract. With a simultaneous swelling of the lips and dry skin, the body most likely lacks iron. Urgent countermeasures: less black coffee and tea (they block the assimilation of a valuable element), more parsley, liver, fish and ceps, and much more apples and citrus fruits.

Dry mouth Normal reaction to stress and experience. If the dryness lasts a long time and it is accompanied by irritability, then you do not have enough vitamin B3 (nicotinic acid). This vitamin is abundant in poultry meat, nuts, beef, germinated wheat germs.

To dry mouth sometimes leads to inflammation of the salivary glands, as well as the initial manifestations of diabetes mellitus.

Smell from the mouth If it is not associated with yesterday's stormy meal or unclean teeth, it is worth checking the blood sugar (diabetes), "enlighten" the liver, kidneys (ammonia smell), cure chronic bronchitis (putrefactive odor).

Scaly skin often scales - a signal about a lack of vitamins A and B2. Full nutrition will quickly bring the skin back to normal. If the peeling is accompanied by severe itching, then without hesitation it is necessary to consult a doctor - a serious danger of fungal disease.

Bluish spots, when they arise even from a slight depression of the skin, mean that there are problems with blood coagulability or liver function. Clarity can only make laboratory tests.

Swollen eyelids Often the body signals about problems with the kidneys, especially if you feel a general weakness, cold and pale skin.

Painful sensitivity of the eyes to bright light.

Paying for alcohol and tobacco abuse. It's time to stop! Sometimes this is a symptom of "hay fever" (pollinosis - allergies to plant bloom), even more often - a sign of a lack of vitamin A, and then you need to eat more cheese, carrots and tomatoes.

Enlargement of lymph nodes.

In the body there is an inflammatory process: from a common cold to a more serious one, when it is necessary to medicate the medics.

Dark urine Most likely, you just do not drink enough fluids to the right amount. But if the output of dark urine is accompanied by high fever and weakness, it is likely more dangerous diseases of the genitourinary system, which can be understood only by the urologist.

Frequent bleeding from the nose It's high time to regularly check blood pressure. If increased - the cause is found and it is necessary to treat hypertension. If the pressure is normal, then you do not have enough vitamin K. I'll have to podnarich to cabbage, spinach and nettle soup.

Excessive sweating Examine the thyroid gland. If you sweat profusely at night - this is a sign of nervous exhaustion.

Slow healing of wounds.

You have a zinc deficiency that is replenished with seafood and legumes.

Cross groove on the nail (one) Nail growth zone was damaged. Multiple grooves arise from avitaminosis or severe chronic stress.

Longitudinal grooves on the nail Almost always a sign of poor digestion. If the grooves persist for a long time, be sure to examine the pancreas.


Change in color of eye proteins, bruises and dark circles under the eyes.

If the proteins of the eyes (sclera) are red - measure the pressure, it is likely increased. Yellowness suggests a high bilirubin content in the liver and a violation of its enzymatic function. Bruises and dark circles under the eyes are more likely from fatigue and lack of sleep, but still doctors recommend checking the heart. Very often, these signs are the first symptom of heart disease. If doctors have been excluded from the disease, bruises and bags can be fought. The best way to get rid of bags under the eyes .... ointments from hemorrhoids.

But this method cosmetologists do not recommend to use often, this ointment greatly narrows the blood vessels:

although the bags disappear instantly, the delicate skin around the eyes gets fully. Massage is another way.. Every morning for 5 minutes, make circular movements around the eyes with ring fingers, lightly pressing. The main rule is to do this very slowly. Sacks and dark circles under the eyes appear due to the stagnation of lymph, it is something we "drive" a massage. And since the lymph flow is very leisurely, the sense of rapid circular movements will not be.

nedug. en.


Based on materials: nedug.ru

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