How to avoid hypovitaminosis: advice from a therapist

22 December 2017, 04:41 | Health
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How to cope with one of the most common problems in the late winter and early spring - hypovitaminosis, 4mama told the therapist Evgenia Ivashchenko.

It would seem that in the spring with the first rays of the sun our condition should only improve. But in fact, we often have hypovitaminosis - a lack of vitamins, and spring depression. We note at once that hypovitaminosis and vitamin deficiency are different diagnoses. If vitamin deficiency is called vitamin deficiency, then avitaminosis is their complete absence.

For what reasons is hypovitaminosis manifested, what are its symptoms, how to prevent a shortage of vitamins, and whether it is worth taking vitamins from a pharmacy? All important questions about hypovitaminosis were answered by Yevgenia Sergeevna Ivashchenko, head of the polyclinic No. 3 of Mediland Medical Center.

As you can see, avoiding hypovitaminosis is not so difficult, the main thing is to include healthy foods containing vitamins in your diet.

For example, vitamin A is found in carrots, pumpkins, apricots, tomatoes, B vitamins in meat, fish, eggs, cottage cheese, seafood, whole grains, legumes, nuts, dogrose. Vitamin E can be found in egg yolk, unrefined vegetable oil, green leafy vegetables, seeds, nuts. Vitamin Contained in citrus, dogrose, Brussels sprouts, beef liver, sea buckthorn, black currant. Vitamin D can be obtained not only from the sun, but also from the liver of cod, fish, butter, eggs, milk. It is important that the menu is diverse, since vitamins are needed for maintaining health, not only the most famous ones.

nedug. en.


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