Replacement of the knee joint - all about surgery

22 December 2017, 01:11 | Health
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Replacement of the knee joint is the last method of surgical intervention, which is performed with a critical destruction of the knee's interior, while the patient experiences severe pains in the damaged part and loses all ability to move normally.

Endoprosthetics of the knee joint must necessarily be carried out by an experienced surgeon who already had more than one operation to replace the knee joint. You should find exactly such experienced surgeons who do not just have many years of experience, and their specialization is directly related to this problem. Here is one of these clinics in Kiev - http: // koleno. com. ua.

Indications for prosthetic knee joints Pathological changes in the knee joint are accompanied by pain, but nevertheless they do not always need surgical intervention.

Consider the variants of diseases in which endoprosthetics may be necessary:.

• Osteoarthritis;.

• Rheumatoid polyarthritis;.

• Intra-articular fractures that are not properly fused;.

• Severe ligament damage;.

• Tumors of the bone.

This is one of the most common knee diseases, in which prosthetics are desirable or even necessary.

Preparation for endoprosthetics In order to select the necessary anesthesia and the individual characteristics of the patient, a complete examination is carried out before performing an operation on it, taking into account such factors as:.

• Age and weight category;.

• The condition and shape of the knee bones;.

• Condition of muscular mass and ligaments of sore leg;.

• Expected degree of physical activity of the patient in daily life.

After determining all the necessary features, the patient is assigned the day and time of the operation.

Operation on the knee joint The duration of endoprosthetics takes place in the interval from one hour to several hours of work, necessarily under general or regional anesthesia.

The aim of the operation is to replace damaged bone fragments and deformed knee cartilage cartilage residues with a specialized endoprosthesis.

By itself this procedure is very complicated and requires considerable experience and dexterity of the hands of the orthopedic physician who performs the operation.

If successful, the patient receives instead of decaying cartilage a modern endoprosthesis that will help him return to a normal lifestyle.

Rehabilitation after knee replacement Beginning of rehabilitation is, in most cases, already the day after surgery.

The patient stays in the medical institution about 6-7 days after the surgical procedure, and then he is discharged for further treatment home.

Usually for this moment he can already move independently and sometimes even walk on the stairs.

If the patient fully complies with all the recommendations of his attending physician, then soon after discharge he will be able to return to a full life.

The speed of recovery depends entirely on the patient himself. The more carefully he behaves and adhere to the recommendations, the sooner he will be able to feel completely healthy and ready for work.


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