Periodontal diseases: description and prevention

13 December 2017, 11:31 | Health
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Although we do not live in the fifteenth century, and scurvy as a disease has long been in the past, but such symptoms as bad breath, loose teeth and gums that periodically bleed, remain. And cause their periodontal disease. The most common today are gingivitis, periodontitis and periodontitis. Unfortunately, the signs of these diseases are to some extent manifested in many, as reported by the Internet publication for girls and women from 14 to 35 years Pannochka. What is, what is the structure of periodontium. So I call the tissues surrounding the tooth and are responsible for its attachment in the bones of the jaw. These include: alveolar processes, a gum, a ligament, connecting between a bone socket and a root of a tooth, the cement located at a root of a tooth. With the diseases listed above, one of the components of the periodontal can be affected, as well as all of its parts.

Inflammation of the gums, called gingivitis, is directly related to periodontitis. The inflammatory process primarily affects the gum tissue and only then passes into the remaining periodontal tissues. The reasons that can provoke these diseases are: mistakes in prosthetics, improper oral care or lack of it, the presence of tartar.

But the causes of the onset of periodontal disease have not been fully understood.

The disease proceeds slowly and consists in dystrophic processes beginning in the periodontal tissues. This leads to denudation of the dental roots.

Timely visit to the dentist and regular brushing of teeth are the best prevention of periodontal diseases. If you still have signs of gingivitis or periodontitis, then the doctor's periodontist will help to cope with the problem. Currently, there are a large number of treatments for these diseases.

dr20. en.

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