Are microwaves dangerous?

15 November 2017, 01:18 | Health
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Televisions, computers, mobile phones and other benefits of civilization do not cause us a tenth of the concerns that the most common microwave oven. And, apparently, in vain, as the Internet publication for girls and women from 14 to 35 years Pannochka. net After all, if in danger, coming from the same computers and phones, scientists have long been in no doubt, the microwave oven in recent years, finally rehabilitated. And because the assertion that its radiation can lead to cancer and other terrible diseases - no more than a myth. Scientists claim that microwave radiation does not at all look like x-ray or ultraviolet. That is, it does not have any harmful effect on our cells and genes. Although, by and large, all this is not so important.

After all, a normal high-quality stove simply does not miss this very radiation, but uses it only to heat food. By the way, it is with the products associated another myth: allegedly, after cooking in the microwave they become hazardous to health. This fact has been repeatedly denied by various scientists, but the last point in the dispute was recently raised by the World Health Organization. It was officially declared that there is absolutely no danger that the products so prepared do not represent. So, eat your health!.

beautytime. en.


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