Vitamins for memory

28 September 2017, 20:35 | Health
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Memory has its secrets, which have not yet been solved. Scientists still do not know why people are born with a phenomenal memory, or why the process of forgetting does not always happen, even if we really want it. But the researchers managed to find out how to improve memory, preserving its productivity for many years.

Memory can be trained by special exercises. Of no small importance will be the general state of health and peace of mind of a person. A significant effect on memory is provided by the diet.

Scientists from Chicago conducted an experiment on how the use of vegetables on the properties of memory. Among the participants were about two thousand people in the age group of about 65 years (the age at which memory begins to weaken). It turned out that the most useful for memory were vegetables green, with large leaves - such as spinach and cabbage. Those who ate two servings of vegetable dishes a day had a memory 40% better than people who did not eat vegetables.

The conclusion made by scientists in Chicago: memory improves the presence in food of vitamin E, which has antioxidant properties.

"Indeed, the composition of food is very important for our body to function smoothly," says Svetlana Shapovalova, cardiologist. - For this we need proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, fiber. In order not to experience fatigue, which depletes the nervous system and badly affects memory, it is necessary to have a presence in the food of various vitamins, especially group B, "explains Svetlana.

Today, to monitor your diet is difficult. And we are trying to simplify our lives by buying vitamins in a pharmacy.

- Vitamins produced by industry are identical in structure and biological activity to natural. But we must remember that in nutrition they are optimally balanced and their overdose is unlikely, so I would recommend that you pay attention first of all to your food ration, and take vitamins as prescribed by the doctor, "Svetlana recommends.. - Eat walnuts, wheat bran, rye bread, peas, beans, liver, fish, vegetables - all these foods contain B vitamins and trace elements: magnesium, zinc, phosphorus.

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