Household soap - benefit and possible harm to household products

28 September 2017, 09:38 | Health
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The usual laundry soap is actually in every house. However, not everyone knows that so familiar and familiar to us since childhood a bar of soap has healing properties and is not only a main helper in everyday life, but also helps get rid of many diseases.

Despite the abundance of modern household chemicals, many housewives still prefer a simple household soap. And this is completely justified, since it is famous for its excellent disinfecting properties. In addition, this is one of the few products with a natural composition. But till now there is no clear answer to the question, but will not the use of household soap cause harm to health.

The benefits of natural soap Useful properties of natural soap from animal fats and vegetable oils can not be overestimated. It has excellent washing and even healing characteristics.

Household soap is not harmful, but on the contrary, it is useful, as it is made of environmentally friendly and natural ingredients: animal fats and vegetable oils.

It is absolutely harmless and hypoallergenic.

With the help of household soap you can clean various surfaces and any utensils in the house.

With household soap you can wash even clothes and small children's clothes.

Indispensable in the country.

Excellent washing clothes. Woolen products after washing with laundry soap will again be lush and soft, and cotton fabrics will return their original whiteness.

Old proven method of hair restoration - wash your hair with natural soap.

The soap has an unpleasant smell, because there are no synthetic perfumes in it, and this is another plus of it.

Can soap cause harm to health The composition of laundry soap includes alkali in a very high concentration.

In this regard, excessive use of soap for personal hygiene can disrupt the alkaline balance and cause harm to health. If the skin is exposed to such aggressive agent several times a day, then very soon it will lose elasticity, become dry and ugly. In addition, skin aging will occur much faster.

Soap has a strong antimicrobial property. Its regular use reduces the ability of the body to fight the pathogens. Thus, the immunity of a person is greatly reduced.

hyser. com. ua.


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