Dislocation of the tooth: tips

28 September 2017, 01:38 | Health
photo NeBoley.com.ua
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Dislocation of the tooth - forcible tooth displacement with periodontal damage. Dislocations are divided into incomplete and complete, when the tooth has lost contact with the hole, as well as pushed sprains.

Causes Dislocation of the tooth occurs under the influence of mechanical action and is accompanied by damage to the ligamentous apparatus of the tooth.

Dislocations of the central teeth and canine teeth develop more often upon impact and fall; Root teeth are more often dislocated by inaccurate removal of the adjacent tooth.

Symptoms Severe pain, tooth displacement from the dentition, its pathological mobility. Later, periodontal inflammation and tooth pulp necrosis occur.

Diagnosis Diagnosis of tooth dislocation does not present any difficulties.

Dislocation is determined by examination of the oral cavity by changes in the dentition, bleeding gums and pathological mobility of the tooth.

Treatment In case of incomplete dislocation, the tooth is inserted into the well and fixed to adjacent teeth. When signs of pulp necrosis appear - trephination of the tooth crown and endodontic treatment. With complete dislocation, the tooth is removed or replanted. When nested dislocation, observation.

health. sumy. ua.


Based on materials: health.sumy.ua

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