10 products useful for the heart

25 September 2017, 18:11 | Health
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A healthy heart is not only heredity and the absence of bad habits. Here is a list of products that will help you maintain your "motor" in the form of.

Oatmeal Oatmeal - an excellent breakfast, hearty and full of omega-3 fatty acids, folate and potassium. In combination with a high fiber content, these elements help you lower cholesterol and maintain blood vessels in tone. The best grits are coarse grinding: the larger the grain, the more fiber in them. A lot of it and in some fruits, for example, in a banana - it will be an excellent addition to the porridge, as the Internet publication for girls and women from 14 to 35 years Pannochka. net 2. Salmon, salmon This fish is one of the best natural sources of omega-3 acids. Two or three fish dishes a week - and your blood pressure will be normal. Regular consumption of salmon also contributes to the normal blood clotting and, according to statistics, reduces the risk of a heart attack by a third. In addition, it contains a strong antioxidant astaxanthin, so that strong memory and healthy skin are guaranteed to you until old age. If such a fish is too expensive for you, you can replace it with tuna, sardines and even herring. The useful acids in them are not less.

Avocado It's not necessary to break this exotic fruit like a potato. Expensive, and you can get it far from every stall. Add a quarter of an avocado to salads or to meat - this will reduce the level of "bad" and add "good" cholesterol in your blood. In addition, the special enzymes contained in avocados, accelerate the process of assimilation by the body of carotenoids, also necessary for a healthy heart.

Olive oil It is full of monounsaturated fats, which in turn fight cholesterol plaques, preventing the blockage of blood vessels. A joint study of scientists from seven national medical institutions showed that the inhabitants of Crete extremely rarely die of heart attacks, although they have a genetic predisposition to high cholesterol. It's all about their diet: for cooking salads and frying in Crete use only olive oil. When buying oil, choose the one that has undergone the least processing (look for the label "Oil of the first spin" on the package).

Nuts Among their cousins, most of all omega-3 acids and monounsaturated fats contain walnut and almonds. Consumption of nuts also contributes to a better absorption of fiber and reduces the feeling of hunger.

Berries Blueberries, raspberries and strawberries - choose any berries that you like, or eat them all. They are rich in anti-inflammatory substances that significantly reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer.

Beans In lentils and red beans are full of fiber, omega-3 acids and calcium. They are also very nutritious and relatively low-calorie, so they can replace any garnish - strengthen your heart and at the same time make a gift to your figure.

Spinach Contains a lot of useful pigment of lutein, potassium, folate and fiber. But if this delicacy is not for you, it can be replaced by any other vegetables. Two vegetable dishes a day reduce the risk of heart disease by 25%, and each additional portion - by another 17%.

Flax seeds They can be added to cereals or salads, or to use flaxseed oil for cooking. Just do not overdo it - it has a very specific flavor. But this is a real storehouse of omega-3 and omega-6 acids.


Soy Soy is good against cholesterol and supplies proteins to your body. But the main thing is to consume a natural product, not a genetically modified product. It is now really difficult to find: soy is hidden either in a drink tempo, or in tofu, or in the form of soy beans proper. Natural soybeans are used to prepare soy milk - by the way, it can be used to make oatmeal porridge. But soy sauce is better not to get carried away: it has too much salt, and from it you can earn hypertension.

sportzal. com.

Based on materials: pannochka.net

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