The first days of an independent child's life

25 September 2017, 16:54 | Health
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If you feel well, it is better that the crumb was next to you in the ward - you will be comfortable together. There you will have a better rest than in the room with a dozen mothers and their newborn babies, and learn how to get along with each other faster, according to the Internet edition for girls and women aged 14 to 35 Pannochka. net Your newborn baby is physically helpless, his movements are chaotic, he can not lift his head. However, he already knows something. For example, he has a food reflex, which manifests itself in the fact that the child is looking for his mother's breast and sucks her. Protective and orienting reflexes are clearly visible. The protective reflex is manifested by the flashing of the eyes, the approximate one is the movement of the eyes towards the light source. The child reacts discontentedly to bright light and loud sounds (wrinkles his forehead, screams). However, the baby is not yet able to follow the objects with his eyes. If you touch the inside of his palm with your finger, he will grab him. At this age the kid, having grasped the thumbs of the hands of the mother or father, is well held in the hanging position. He sleeps in the frog's posture: lying and back, with bent at the elbows and under the hands lifted up, and his legs are bent at the knee joints and are moved apart.

Raw grease.

The baby's skin is covered with a greyish-white cheese-like grease, which consists of fat, extractives, carbonates and phosphate salts, cholesterol and other components. In the early days, the lubricant is not removed, since it protects the baby's body from hypothermia, and the skin - from damage. In addition, the lubricant contains vitamin A and it has beneficial biological properties.

What to do.

This layer is removed with a sterile gauze soaked in boiled vegetable oil, or at the first bath.

Yellowish-white dots.

On the nose of the newborn can be yellowish-white dots. The reason for their appearance is excessive sebaceous glands in the last months of fetal development.

What to do.

Usually these points disappear by the end of the second week of the baby's life.

Skin irritation.

Skin can blush. This occurs within the first two days. Then reddening gives way to peeling, especially pronounced on the palms and feet of the baby.

What to do.

Lubricate the baby's skin with boiled vegetable or olive oil, fish oil or special baby oil.

Sexual crisis.

In girls during the first 2-3 weeks of life from the vagina there is a more or less strong secretion of clear mucus; observed nagreganie nipple of the mammary glands, and sometimes even the secretion of milk. In some cases, mucus is stained with blood. However, this phenomenon is relatively rare.

In newborn boys, under the influence of the hormones of the mother, swelling of the scrotum can be observed.

health. sumy. ua.

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