How to test your hearing

25 September 2017, 14:23 | Health
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With age, people face the problem of not only loss of sight, but also hearing loss. According to the Cleveland Clinic, if you have three or more of these symptoms, you may have hearing problems and you should see a doctor.

The main symptoms of hearing loss are:.

If you do not understand people by phone.

If you do not perceive the conversation of several people.

If you strain your hearing to hear a conversation, or ask others to repeat what you have said.

If you feel that people are talking vaguely, but mutter.

If you do not understand what others say.

If you often hear sounds resembling ringing, whistling or hissing.

sportzal. com.

Keywords: If you do not understand people by phone.

If you do not perceive the conversation of several people.

If you strain your hearing to hear a conversation, or ask others to repeat what you have said.

If you feel that people are talking vaguely, but mutter.

If you do not understand what others say.

If you often hear sounds resembling ringing, whistling or hissing.

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