Bathing baby: tips

25 September 2017, 12:58 | Health
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Try to bathe the child together. A couple of extra hands will not hurt - especially in the early days, when my mother still does not have enough experience. Before bathing, she and her assistant should wash their hands thoroughly with soap and change their clothes if they do not vouch for the cleanliness of their clothes. Hands should be warmed in advance, as reported by the Internet publication for girls and women from 14 to 35 years Pannochka. net To bathe a child is best in a baby bath. The bathtub brought from the store is dirty and dusty. Therefore, wash it first with warm water and soap, and then rinse thoroughly with boiling water. After each bathing of the baby, the bathtub should be washed well, and in the first weeks scalded before bathing. Keep the tub dry.

Never use it to wash diapers or children's underwear, let alone wash the laundry of the rest of the family, so as not to transfer to the child a possible infectious disease. You can, however, use warm soapy water left over after bathing the baby, to wash the laundry. But in this case, this water must, of course, be poured into another container and only then washed.

There is also a modern trend in this matter: the child is bathed in a large bath, and the mother bathes with him. Bath in this case, it is necessary to wash well and most importantly - to rinse. But still a very small child, for bathing which they use boiled water, it is better to bathe in a small bath or in the pelvis.

Bathing time does not really matter. You can in the morning and in the afternoon. But experience shows that it is best to do it in the evening, before feeding. The fact is that the child after the evening bathing sleeps longer, it is easier for him to fall asleep and sleep through the night.

When a child begins to crawl or walk, for a day it gets soiled, and then it will have to be bathed in the evening.

The water temperature should be about 36-37 ° C. To determine it best suited floating thermometer. Hand or elbow testing (the most sensitive area of ??the skin) is not very reliable, and therefore doctors usually do not recommend it.

During bathing, the air temperature should reach 20-24 ° C. Specially heated air can only pamper the baby.

health. sumy. ua.

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