Nutrition for a child from 6 to 9 months

25 September 2017, 11:58 | Health
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At six to seven months, the feeding regime of the child changes quite significantly. The most active sucking shifts to the last 2 hours before the morning awakening. Daytime wakefulness can be divided into two periods: the morning, when a baby that has been poured during the night is rarely applied to the chest, and the evening one, when the attachments become very frequent. A half-year-old baby can have 7-10 days of feeding and 3-4 night. At this age, the baby begins a period of acquaintance with new food.

At eight months, the feeding regime changes again. Since the toddler now exhibits high motor activity and during the day is constantly engaged in the development of the surrounding space, at this time he forgets about his mother's breast, therefore the number of daytime meals is reduced.

A rabbit eats every 4 hours during the day, having at the same time 2-3 full-fledged complementary foods.

Recommended products:.

porridge for breakfast;.

pressed cottage cheese;.

low-fat beef and lamb;.

boiled carrots and broccoli cabbage;.

products from wheat flour: pasta, toasted bread slices in the toaster;.

citrus fruit.

Do not include in the baby's diet:.

egg yolk;.

whole or fragmented nuts;.

canned fish in brine;.

by-products - kidneys, liver;.

hot peppers and other spicy foods;.

salty foods;.

sweet food.

health. sumy. ua.

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