Pregnant need to brush your teeth

25 September 2017, 06:22 | Health
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The researchers found that bacteria from the oral cavity of a pregnant woman can be transmitted to her child through the blood and amniotic fluid. These bacteria can cause potentially serious problems, including premature birth, low birth weight of baby, premature labor, and infection of the child. Specialists often can not explain the origin of complications during pregnancy, and therefore the authors of the study insist that women pay careful attention to hygienic procedures of the oral cavity in order to reduce the risk.

During the study, scientists studied the amniotic fluid swallowed by newborns during labor.

They found in the stomach contents of 57 infants 46 different kinds of bacteria, two of which are usually found in the mouth.

"Now, our research team is examining DNA to determine if bacteria are taken from the stomach of babies and from the mouth of his mother," said Cecilia Gonzales-Marin, head of the University of Queen Mary in London. The results of the work will be presented at the conference of the Society of General Microbiology on Tuesday health. sumy. ua.

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