Nutrition for different periods of pregnancy

02 September 2017, 06:59 | Health
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It's amazing how the perception of the world changes, only a woman learns about her pregnancy. Yes there is peace! She looks at herself differently, differently evaluates her appearance, her actions. Even the diet is subject to adjustment. Some women believe that pregnancy is just the period in their life, when you can do and have everything you want, tying all your whims to the changed state. Others in everything become "correct", try to observe the regime of the day, nutrition, begin to attend aerobic classes or dances. Still others, panically afraid of getting better, continue to limit themselves in food. What behavior is most beneficial for the child?.

The first diseases in crumbs can form even at the time when it is in the womb of the mother. In order for the baby to develop normally, the future mother should eat rationally, receive exactly as many nutrients as needed, no more and no less. Otherwise, the mother's overeating very soon will lead to a metabolic disorder in the fetus, resulting in a very large child with poorly developed musculature. No less damaging is the lack of nutrients. Poor nutrition is often the cause of miscarriages, the birth of premature or weak children with low body weight.

On average, for the entire pregnancy, a woman should recover by 8-10 kilograms, but this process is uneven: in the first half of pregnancy the weight should increase much more slowly than in the second. Accordingly, the amount of food eaten at the first time should be less.

In the first months of pregnancy, the daily diet of a woman consists of 110 grams of protein, 350 grams of carbohydrates and 75 grams of fat. The most correct is the four meals a day. The energy value of consumed food should vary from 2,400 to 2,700 kilocalories. In this case, the energy received will completely cover the costs of the organism. About 30% of all calories should be for the first breakfast, 15% for the second, 40% for lunch, 10% for dinner, and the remaining 5% for a glass of kefir 2-3 hours before bedtime.

Very often in the first months of pregnancy, women change their taste preferences:

they want a sour or salty. Of course, you should not deny yourself everything and completely, but it is desirable to limit the consumption of pickled cucumbers or sauerkraut. And from vinegar, mustard, pepper and horseradish will have to be abandoned altogether for the next nine months. The fact is that a large amount of salt or spices greatly increases the body's need for water, and the kidneys are not always ready to increase the load.

Health. Sumy. Ua.

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