Bread with bran: it is tasty and useful

13 June 2017, 20:02 | Health
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In the near future, more and more popular bread with bran. Its usefulness lies in the beneficial effect of bran on our body. And to find out more about its medicinal properties, read this article, as reported by the Internet publication for girls and women from 14 to 35 years Pannochka. Net People who follow their own shape and health, have long been aware of the necessary properties of bran. This natural product helps purify the body and saturates it with useful vitamins and minerals. That's why in our time, most people usually like white bread prefer bread with bran. Its useful characteristics have long been known. In the time of royal Russia such bread was given to the soldiers. Higher ranks ate more privileged types of white bread. And when the officers were tormented by problems with the gastrointestinal tract, the fighters felt themselves tremendously. Then it became clear that the bread most needed for the organism is bread with bran.

Its usefulness lies in a whole complex of vitamins, such as H, PP, B1, D, C, E and other parts. It helps to remove toxins from the body, promotes rapid saturation and suppression of appetite. In addition, thanks to the content in the bread of bran, the body gets the right portion of iron. Snow-white bread made of pure flour, in most cases bleached by a mechanical method and therefore not carrying a particular utility to the body, is far from such a beautiful product as bread with bran. To understand why this happens, you need to see the process of production of flour. It is made from granules, in which all the utility is laid. When the grain is crushed, a part of its required parameters disappears and there are not enough of them left when making small grinding flour. It is estimated that the flour of higher species loses more than eighty percent of its own initial useful composition, and specifically that part of the grains, which are called bran.

Valuable substances for the body, such as cellulose, pectin and lignin, also the center of the grain (embryo), provided with vitamins E, B and trace elements, remain constant in the production of the offal bread. Its use has the most positive effect on the nervous system, gives calmness and balance, removes from depressions, relieves tension. In particular, bread with bran is recommended for people who are overweight, having difficulties with the gastrointestinal tract and the cardiovascular system. Specialists are advised to use bran during pregnancy to get rid of problems with the intestinal tract arising during this period, and to lower the level of cholesterol in the body. This bread is very useful for patients with oncological diseases and diabetics, because bran helps slow down the process of starch digestion.

Its main advantage is the content in the bran of dietary fiber, which improves the whole microflora of the intestinal tract and regulates metabolism. Many countries have long appreciated all the useful characteristics of such a product as bread with bran. In the mass production of it, a fraction of the bran in bread achieves 20 5 percent. Unfortunately, in today's Russia, there are not so many types of this healthy product, but, if you want, you can always buy cereal, sports or malt bread from the coarse flour. Bread with bran is produced with the addition of raisins, prunes, sunflower seeds and other useful ingredients. But do not confuse it with the usual grayish bread, which some dishonest producers give out for bread with bran.

Its usefulness for the organism is small, because it is unlikely to have bran in it, and its preparation comes from low-grade flour. In order to find real bran bread, you need to inhale its smell, which is unrealistic to confuse with any other. It is catchy and saturated, and with a cut clearly visible interspersions of yellow and light brown color. This is bran. The bread itself is a natural gray color. Specifically, this bread will be a perfect candidate for ordinary white-bread for people who are watching their health and nutrition.

Health. Sumy. Ua.

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