Miracle of starvation

13 June 2017, 19:13 | Health
photo NeBoley.com.ua
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One of the greatest experimenters, the millionaire of Bragg's health at the age of ninety, spoke of himself: "My body has no age".

When in 1976 he, 95 years old, surfing, died accidentally, he was mourned by five children, 12 grandchildren and 14 great-grandchildren. A medical examination carried out after his death, stated that the heart, blood vessels and all the internal organs of this amazing person were in excellent condition. Bragg's way of life and his optimism served as the best confirmation of many of the thoughts that he expressed in his book The Miracle of Fasting.

In it, he told his readers how watching and practicing starvation for more than 50 years, he achieved stunning results in identifying the inexhaustible reserves of the human body. According to Bragg, fasting is the most natural way to purify the body, one of the most reliable means of combating diseases, without having the side effects. Note that sick or injured animals refuse to eat, because at that moment they are triggered by a natural instinct of self-preservation that turns out to be stronger than hunger. Life energy concentrates on the place of "damage" and is spent on wound healing or "taming" disease.

It is generally accepted that good nutrition, during heavy and not very diseases, helps a person cure. In the opinion of the famous physician, G.

Malakhov, during the period of illness, it is better to starve, not to starve yourself, but to sickness, relying entirely on the reserve of your organism, which, through at least 24-hour fasting, will be cleared of the accumulated "dirt" that provoked the disease.

In general, one-day and three-day fasting are necessary for every person, not only during the period of illness. This procedure should become the same natural (once a month), as the daily washing of medicus. En.


Based on materials: medicus.ru

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