Stress leads to bad habits and heart diseases

13 June 2017, 16:58 | Health
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Stress is a high risk factor for cardiovascular disease, heart attack, and also encourages people to develop bad habits, British researchers say.

Scientists conducted a study in which more than 6 thousand. human. 15% of whom were classified as suffering from psychosocial stress. For seven years, psychologists analyzed the symptoms of depression or anxiety and indicators of general happiness, and also collected data on physical health, including information on weight, height, frequency of physical activity, frequency of alcohol consumption, smoking, cholesterol and C-reactive protein in the blood.

It turned out that heart attack, stroke, heart pathologies were half as likely in people with a high level of anxiety and stressful situations compared with calm and considerate people.

Doctors explain this by the fact that smoking and a sedentary lifestyle together accounted for approximately 63% of the risk increase, only smoking accounted for 41% of the increase in the probability of deterioration of health, alcohol abuse - 2%, high blood pressure - 13%.

Clinicians concluded that the treatment of neuropsychic disorders should focus not only on the prevention of signs of stress, but also attention should be paid to behavioral risk factors. Thus, it is useful for psychotherapists to collaborate with cardiologists.

Medicinform. Net.

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