The problem of obesity depends on the work of the brain

13 June 2017, 13:23 | Health
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Scientists have found 7 new variants of genes, which indicate that the causes of obesity are largely dependent on the brain, according to the BBC.

The results of the study suggest that the brain plays a dominant role in managing appetite, and the problem of obesity can not be attributed only to abnormalities in metabolism. An international group of scientists conducted two large-scale studies, studying the most insignificant genetic changes in the DNA of several thousand people. It turned out that in many cases, the seven variants of genes responsible for the appearance of obesity were associated with brain activity.

Presumably, the variants of genes affect the brain, appetite and digestive system. All seven variants of genes were thoroughly studied by specialists. It turned out that each variant of genes had some effect on the occurrence of obesity, but the person who carried all seven variants was approximately 1.5-2 kg heavier than the average weight for him.

It is believed that about 70% of changes in the body mass index are caused by metabolic disorders. However, environmental and genetic factors have not been taken into account so far, and they, according to researchers, play a far from last role. Experts argue that in the fight against obesity, it is necessary to take into account and genetic factors, in particular, the currently found variants of genes, and not only metabolic disorders.

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