How work makes people sick

13 June 2017, 12:27 | Health
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Surely, you already came to the idea that work is harmful to health. Modern medicine has repeatedly said that a working person exposes himself to a mass of dangers. Suffering and body and soul. Moreover, even when retiring, a person can not get rid of the consequences caused by labor years, according to the Internet edition for girls and women from 14 to 35 years old Pannochka. Net The fact is that for a large number of people the work serves as a constant source of fear, stress and nervous overstrain.

This is especially true for office workers engaged in intellectual work. In addition, according to doctors, people also suffer from the fact that they spend all their energy and time on career aspirations, leaving aside so important for the psyche social contacts.

The weakening of social ties leads to the fact that a person is immersed in a pernicious atmosphere of alienation. It is known that more and more people actually live at work, communicating more with colleagues than with relatives or friends of medicus. En.

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