Top 10 Tips to Save Your Figure After Thirty

13 June 2017, 11:24 | Health
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It's not a secret for anyone that the older we become, the slower our metabolism begins to work.

And if at the age of 20 most of us can do night raids without frustration and consequences, there is pizza or fast food for dinner, without thinking that all this can gird your waist, then in 30 such a diet is simply impermissible luxury! Ten top tips on how to keep the figure after thirty, shared an expert on beauty and health, the popular beauty blogger Julia Enhel, reports Chronicle. Info referring to healthinfo. Ua 1. The main meals should be at least three, and ideally - five: breakfast, lunch, dinner and two snacks. Servings not more than 250-300 g.

In the diet must be present complex carbohydrates, proteins and fats. In this case, complex carbohydrates (cereals, whole-grain bread, fruits) are best eaten in the morning, and supper exclusively with protein (low-fat meat and fish, seafood) and four hours before bedtime. Fats can be obtained from fish and, for example, avocados.

If you can not completely exclude from the diet of simple carbohydrates in the form of flour and sweet, try to pamper yourself exclusively for breakfast and very, very occasionally. And it is best to accustom yourself to not cheesecake and baking, but two slices of dark chocolate.

I do not recommend dairy products and do not use it myself - it detains fluid in the body. But if you really want, then you can afford a little cottage cheese in the morning.

Of the drinks I advise you to leave in the diet only water (not less than 1.5-2 liters per day), green, herbal or ginger tea and just a little coffee. Remember: American without milk - it's just coffee, and all other varieties with any fillers - a separate meal. And coffee with syrups is very, very caloric!.

Eat as much vegetables as possible cooked for a couple. Especially broccoli and carrots - they will become best friends for your skin.

Salt and sugar, eaten in excess, provoke us to absorb a much larger amount of food than we can afford to eat without salt and sugar.

If there is a celebration where alcohol is prescribed, try to drink exceptionally dry wines and not later than midnight - you do not want your head to turn into a pumpkin next morning?.

A pledge of beauty and longevity for a woman is a healthy dream.

Try to sleep at least 8 hours, because the tracks of our lack of sleep in 30 years look much more visible to others than ten years ago, when we could afford to "club" all night long, and in the morning without a shadow of fatigue on the face go to college or to work.

10. Thirty years is the ideal time to start physical activity. If earlier you did not practice sports in any form - start small: daily (preferably in the morning) stand in the bar - first 30 seconds, then a minute and so on. For two or three weeks of a regular rack, you can perfectly prepare the body and muscles for more intense training. Sport normalizes metabolism and makes us irresistible!.

Hronika. Info.


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