The fish diet prevents depression

13 June 2017, 11:20 | Health
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American psychiatrists and nutritionists follow the new slogan: "a person" feels "what he eats". According to the new theory, which captured the minds of both sides of the Atlantic in the summer, there is a very close relationship between diet, brain work and the emotional state of the individual, according to the Internet publication for girls and women aged 14-35. Pannochka. Net According to scientists, the study of the influence of food products, which in all world civilizations were called "comfortable products", opens up new and revolutionary boundaries for the treatment of depression and other mental illnesses. And these diseases, scientists say, can be defeated using food instead of drugs. At least three scientific studies conducted in the United States, the United Kingdom and Israel indicate that an increase in the intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3, which are present in fish, has a "huge impact" on the depressive state and on the violation of human brain activity. This fact probably explains the fact that the Japanese and Finns who eat fish every day are the least susceptible to depression, writes NEWSru.

The British study shows that 88% of patients have a sharp reduction in mood swings, panic attacks and depressive crises due to the exclusion of sugars, caffeine, alcohol and saturated fats from the diet and a simultaneous increase in the diet of fruits, greens and especially fatty Varieties of fish such as tuna, salmon, anchovies, sardines, mackerel and mackerel. Even more interesting results were obtained during a study in Mauritius. Scientists have determined that children who eat a lot of fish from the age of three are 64% less likely to go to prison. Conclusion: both crime and antisocial behavior depend on the diet, and those who do not eat fish should take omega-3 capsules. "Some foods help the brain produce chemicals that allow us to feel more calm, happy, and clear," explains the author of this study, medicus. En.

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