In the US, a drug for immunity was recognized as a cure for cancer

13 June 2017, 08:36 | Health
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In the United States identified a new tool that helps to defeat cancer. The drug, which was usually used to enhance immunity, was recognized as a means of combating oncological diseases.

In the United States, the Drug Enforcement Administration approved Pembolizumab (Keytruda) as a remedy for oncological diseases. Usually pembolizumab is used to improve immunity, but the study showed that the drug has the ability to influence swollen, reduce them in size, and improve the health of patients.

Doctors conducted a study. In which 86 patients with different types of cancer. They were observed for three years, while prescribing this drug. The medication was effective on those patients who did not benefit from chemotherapy.

Pembolizumab had an overwhelming effect on swollen, they decreased in size and patients felt much better. It is reported that in a few patients, cancerous tumors completely disappeared, while there was no reappearance.

Now, specialists in the United States have begun developing new drugs based on pembolizumab. According to their message. This discovery is a real sensation and can make a revolution in the world of oncology treatment.



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