Women are more difficult to combat the feeling of hunger

09 June 2017, 15:48 | Health
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Women are more difficult to deal with the temptation to eat something tasty or give up their favorite dish, say US researchers.

Scientists from the National Laboratory of Brookhaven in New York conducted an experiment in which they found that it is more difficult for women to struggle with the temptation to regale their favorite dish when one should refrain from eating. The results of the study were published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

23 healthy and well-proportioned volunteers took part in the experiment, who had to refrain from eating for 17 hours. Then they were put on a plate with their favorite dishes and asked to suppress the feeling of hunger, thinking about something else.

Scientists at this time followed the activity of the brain of participants in the study using positron emission tomography.

Specialists found that when trying to suppress the feeling of hunger in men, the areas of the brain responsible for this feeling became less active, while in women the functioning of the brain did not change. Scientists believe that the results of the experiment explain the reason why women achieve less success, trying to lose weight through diet, compared with men.

Medicinform. Net.

Based on materials: medicinform.net

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