Heart failure reduces mental capacity and memory impairment

07 June 2017, 19:20 | Health
photo NeBoley.com.ua
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Heart failure negatively affects mental activity and can lead to memory impairment, say US researchers.

Scientists from the University of California conducted a study in which the tests tested the mental capacity of 50 healthy people and 40 patients with heart failure. Participants were of the same age and with equivalent education. They suffered from moderate to severe heart failure.

As a result, patients lost in the control group 14 of 19 tests for thinking.

In 46% of patients with heart failure serious mental problems were noted, and in the control group similar difficulties arose in 16%. Especially heart failure affected short-term memory problems. Taking into account other factors, the patients' indices were 4 times lower than those of the control group.

This problem is usually neglected. However, studies provide detailed information even on the diagnosis and type of heart failure that affects memory functions, experts said..

Medicinform. Net.


Based on materials: medicinform.net

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