How does smoking affect hookah smoking?

07 June 2017, 10:39 | Health
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Smoking hookah can do harm to human health, as long-term consumption of tobacco leads to the emergence of oncology and diseases of the cardiovascular system. This was announced by scientists from Germany.

Researchers do not agree with the statement that the hookah does not harm human health. They conducted a number of experiments, during which they found out that smoking hookah causes the development of infectious, oncological and intoxicating diseases.

As it turns out, when smoke passes through a water filter, its harmfulness does not decrease. In the process of burning a hookah, various dangerous compounds are activated, and the aromatic and flavor elements found in tobacco lead to dangerous consequences.

Scientists emphasize that such smoking in large part harms health, poisoning the entire body. They recommend not to stay even in rooms where hookahs smoke, where carcinogens with compounds of chemical origin. This is the same poison as ordinary cigarettes.

Vladtime. En Key words:.

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